Telangana Lockdown Guidelines PDF – తెలంగాణలో లాక్‌డౌన్

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Download Telangana Lockdown Guidelines PDF

Post Updated Date May 29, 2021
Category General
Total no of Pages 4
Total File Size 0.43 MB
Document Language Telugu
Original Source of Information

Telangana Lockdown Guidelines PDF

Guidelines for Telangana Lockdown
Telangana’s administration voted on May 30th to prolong the state’s lockdown for another ten days, beginning May 31st. From 6 a.m. to 1 p.m., the daily leisure hour was extended.

Telangana Chief Minister Chandrasekhar Rao has decided to extend the relaxation period till 1 p.m., and those who leave after that time would be granted an additional hour to return home, i.e. till 2 p.m.

Guidelines for Telangana Lockdown
The following restrictions and measures must be implemented during the lockdown period:

Passenger cars will be restricted at state borders, with only passengers with E-passes authorized. Commodity mobility, on the other hand, is unrestricted.
All public transportation services, including TSRTC buses, SETWIN, the Hyderabad Metro, taxis, and auto-rickshaws, would be authorized only between 6 a.m. and 2 p.m.
All interstate bus and transportation services, including those operated by private companies, will be halted.
Every individual who is ordered to follow home isolation must do so strictly; otherwise, he or she will face criminal charges and be sent to a government isolation institution.
Private shops/establishments/offices are authorized to operate during exempted hours with staffing levels appropriate to their needs, in accordance with Covid regulations.
Wages/salaries must be paid in full to all workers/employees, even those working on a contract or outsourced basis, by all government as well as private institutions. Any breach will be taken severely and will result in criminal prosecution under the applicable Act (s).
Wedding receptions with a maximum of 40 people will be authorized.
A maximum of 20 people will be permitted for funerals/last rites.
All religious establishments/places of worship must be closed to the public during worship.
All social, political, religious, sporting, entertainment, academic, and cultural gatherings are forbidden.
All Anganwadi centers must shutter. During this time, children and pregnant or nursing mothers will be given a take-home ration.
To assure institutional delivery, all pregnant women who are due to give birth during the period will be listed, monitored, and supported by medical personnel.
Temporary police checkpoints will be put up in appropriate areas to ensure strict adherence to the aforementioned directives.

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