World War Orphans Day 2022: History, Significance and Quotes

World War Orphans Day 2022: The goal of World Day of War Orphans 2022 is to bring attention to the plight of war orphans and help them deal with the traumatic situations they face. It is held on January 6, 2022.

The goal of World Day of War Orphans 2022 is to raise awareness around the world about the need to protect the human rights of children who have lost their parents to war and to get people to work to make sure they have a better future. The day is most important when there are pandemics because they have the most effect on orphaned children. The day also reminds us that we have a duty to care for children, especially during the coronavirus pandemic.

The 6th of January is World Day of War Orphans. This day is meant to bring attention to the plight of war orphans and help them deal with the traumatic situations they face.

World War Orphans Day

What is World War Orphans Day 2022 ?

UNICEF says that a child is an orphan if he or she is younger than 18 and has lost one or both parents.

According to data from UNICEF, there were about 140 million orphans in the world in 2015. Of these, 61 million lived in Asia, 52 million in Africa, 10 million in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 7.3 million in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

History and Goals of World Day of War Orphans 2022

The French group SOS Enfants en Detresses came up with the idea for World Day of War Orphans. The day brings attention to the lives of children who were hurt by the war and works to make their futures better.

What’s Important About World Day for War Orphans in 2022?

UNICEF says that about half of the people who died in wars in the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries were civilians, and that number kept going up until 2001. Since that year, the number has dropped by 0.7% each year.

During World War II, civilians made up about two-thirds of the people who died. By the end of the 1980s, that number had risen to 90%.

Based on the facts above, it’s clear that civilians in several countries around the world have been hurt by war. The children are the ones who don’t speak up. Millions of children have grown up without families in places where there is war or ethnic conflict. The orphans have to take care of not only themselves, but also their younger siblings (if any).

So, the day brings attention to the situation of orphans and reminds us that every child needs to be cared for.

Quotes for World Day of War Orphans 2022

1-I’m very interested in kids, but not just any kids. I’m especially interested in poor kids and orphans.

2-God likes no music on earth as much as the thanksgiving songs of widows and orphans who have been helped, of people who are happy, at peace, and thankful.

3-I love the holidays almost as much as I love touching myself in front of orphans.

4-What does it matter to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless if the crazy destruction is done in the name of totalitarianism, democracy, or freedom?

5-Orphanages are always full of kids with sad faces. It is more dangerous to ignore the heart than to ignore the mind.

6-Where can we hide when it’s sunny, now that the storm is over?

7- “The truth is that you can be left alone many times. In reality, you will. The secret is that each time you do this, it will hurt less and less until you can’t feel anything. You can count on me.” – Chuck Palahniuk

8- “When you’re a child and you lose your parents, you’re inducted into a club and taken into life’s toughest confidence. You are undeceived.” – Hilary T. Hamann

9- “The reason the orphans studied so many different things was not just to make them geniuses, but to make them polymaths, which means they would be geniuses in a lot of different fields.” – James Morcan

10- “Orphanages are the only places I’ve ever been where I felt both empty and full at the same time.” – John M. Simmons

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